Skin growths can be pretty common in people of all ages. However, there are many different kinds of skin growths that present with different symptoms. If you have a skin growth or more than one skin growth and are seeking proper diagnosis and treatment, contact our office today. Dr. Gray and our team of professionals are highly knowledgeable in identifying and treating growths of all kinds, so you can be sure you are in good hands.

What are Benign Skin Growths?

A benign skin growth is a mass of cells that appears on the skin as a growth. Not all forms of benign growths require treatment, as they are not harmful to your health.

There are many different kinds of benign skin growths that range in size, shape, and color. Some of the most common include, but are definitely not limited to:

Seborrheic keratoses: Appear as scaly and hyperpigmented areas that vary in size and thickness. They are common in adults, and more may appear with age. Treatment options may include cryotherapy, curettage and electrodessication, or laser therapy.

Freckles: Freckles are dark, flat spots that usually appear on areas of the skin that are exposed to the sun. They are most common in individuals with blonde or red hair. For those who are bothered by their freckles, laser treatments, topical creams, or chemical peels are all treatment options.

Lentigines: Also known as liver spots, lentigines are hyperpigmented patches that can resemble moles. They can range from tan to brown and usually appear on sun-exposed areas of skin. Treatment options to eliminate liver spots include cryotherapy, chemical peels, laser therapy, or prescription hydroquinone.

Moles: Moles are common growths on the skin that are usually skin colored, pink, or brown in color. While moles are usually noncancerous, they should be checked yearly by your dermatologist to check for any changes. Treatment options for the removal of moles include surgical excision or shave excision.

Cherry angiomas: Also called red moles, cherry angiomas are common skin growths that are filled with a collection of small blood vessels. They may appear smooth on the skin or slightly raised. Removal options include laser surgery, electrocauterization, or shave excision.

Lipomas: These are slow-growing, fatty lumps between the skin and underlying muscle. Lipomas usually feel squishy and move when you push on them. While they are not cancerous, they can be bothersome or uncomfortable, in which case they can be removed with surgical excision.

Skin Tags: Skin tags are very common, and appear as small, skin-colored flaps on the skin. They most commonly appear on the neck, armpits, or groin, but can grow anywhere on the body. If skin tags become irritating or an individual wants to remove them for cosmetic reasons, treatment options include cryotherapy, electrodesiccation, or surgical shave removal.

Benign Skin Growth Treatment Options

Treatment for your benign skin growth will differ depending on the type of skin growth you have; however, common removal options include cryotherapy, electrodesiccation, surgical removal, or laser therapy. During your consultation appointment, Dr. Gray will examine your skin growth to properly diagnose it. She will then create a personalized treatment plan just for you to address your individual skin needs and cosmetic goals. 

Schedule Your Appointment

For more information regarding benign skin growth treatment options, contact Pinnacle Dermatology & Skin Rejuvenation today. Your first step will be to schedule a consultation appointment with Dr. Gray.

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